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Vegan Gourmet Festival in Tokyo

Every year there is an event called "Vegan Gourmet Festival" in Tokyo and Kyoto. I'm not sure about Nagoya has this event every year but it will be held in Nagoya this year, in May. I always wanted to go for this event, but I've never been there. Finally this year we made it. It was very crowded and extremely hot like summer.

Vegan hot dog, the first time for us. For my daughter, it was really her first time. She has never ever had a hot dog itself in her life.

I'm not a strictly vegetarian now. I used to be like a vegan before but not anymore. Once a while I eat seafood. However I haven't eaten meat for almost 19 years. I still can't eat meat and I won't eat it. I also can't eat dairy products like butter, cheese and milk, my body just doesn't accept them. I feel sick if I eat them. I have been wondering how vegan cheese tastes like and I wanted to try it so long. However I couldn't eat it because it was so cheesy, like a real cheese. I couldn't keep having it in my mouth. I always love eating vegetarian or vegan food. Most of time I cook vegetarian or vegan meal at home and once a while seafood.

These cookies are made from rice flour. Crispy and yummy. Gluten free!

There were some foods which I would like to try, but they were sold out before noon unfortunately. We went to a cafe near the event place. Hummus Sandwich. (vegetarian)

chocolate cake

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